Daniela Paredes Grijalva

Daniela Paredes Grijalva

17 May 2021

PhD candidate in cultural and social anthropology at the University of Vienna

Daniela Paredes Grijalva received her BA from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador and her MA in Cultural and Social Anthropology from the University of Vienna, where she is currently enrolled as a doctoral student.

She is a DOC-ÖAW Fellow and a researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, as well as an associate member of the Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies at the University of Vienna. She has worked on transnational migration, gender and social protection.
She is a co-founder of the Latin American Women’s Collective Trenza. Her work with and experience as a migrant woman in Austria shape her efforts to weave collaborations across groups and sectors to decenter and decolonize in both activist and scholarly spaces, an adventure she is thrilled to continue with the GDC. Her activism intersects gender, environmental and social justice struggles as well as colonial legacies and human rights.

Her interests include migration, gender, disasters, environmental change, more-than-human relations, colonial legacies, and human rights. She currently researches links between the environment and (im)mobilities in Indonesia (more:https://www.oeaw.ac.at/isa/forschung/seaindo/mobilities-and-socio-environmental-frictions-in-hazard-prone-locations-at-indonesian-frontiers/ ).

Email: Daniela.paredes.grijalva@oeaw.ac.at