Founding Members

This is a static category that indicates the original members of GDC. It is used to populate a post grid on the About Us page

André Keet

University of the Free State André Keet is Director of the International Institute for Studies in Race, Reconciliation and Social Justice, University of the Free State,...

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Michael Okyerefo

University of Ghana Michael Okyerefo is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Sociology, University of Ghana. His affiliation to The New Global (De)Centre stimulates his...

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Claire Hsu

Asia Art Archive Claire Hsu is Co-founder and Executive Director of Asia Art Archive (AAA), an independent non-profit organisation founded in 2000 dedicated to the collection, creation,...

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Halleh Ghorashi

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Halleh Ghorashi is born in Iran and came to the Netherlands in 1988. She is sinds 2012 Full Professor of Diversity and Integration and...

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Adrian Favell

University of Leeds and Sciences Po, Paris Adrian Favell, Chair in Sociology and Social Theory, University of Leeds, England. Also chercheur associé of the Centre d’études européennes...

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Maurice Crul

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Maurice Crul is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His chair covers a broad range of topics on education...

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Peggy Levitt

Wellesley College Peggy Levitt is Chair of the sociology department and the Luella LaMer Slaner Professor in Latin American Studies at Wellesley College and co-Director of...

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