Epistemology and Pedagogy Study Group

We are a group of scholars, teachers, postgraduate students and others with diverse backgrounds involved in learning, teaching and research experiences working with global social thinking materials. We meet to share, discuss and produce resources that aim to decenter our content and practices, research procedures, methods and sources, based on critical paradigms of epistemology, history and pedagogy. The frequency of the meetings is one or two in a month, with activities resulting from the different demands of the group, which have varied over the years according to the needs and desires of the members. We all share the same questions: What does decentering look like in different contexts around the world? Who is doing it, and what undiscovered or undervalued thinkers are we not including in the production of knowledge? Is this just an academic exercise, and to what end are these theories being developed and discussed?

In the spirit of seeking answers to these burning questions, we undertook a number of different activities, such as collective readings from the South, a revision of the social theory syllabus, a book project, the ongoing curation of an active Global Social Thinking Repository project, and the presentation of decentering practices in teaching-learning procedures. The meetings have also enabled different members of the group to engage in other activities that our networking has encouraged: organizing panels, workshops, writing articles together, etc. The members are always keen to translate their discussions into practical action on the ground. Open to new questions and practices, the group invites suggestions for activities aimed at fostering a responsive and inclusive community of knowledge construction.