Magdalena Perzyna
Magdalena Perzyna has an LLB from Osgoode Hall and recently completed her MA in Immigration & Settlement Studies at Ryerson University (2020) in Toronto, Canada. Her Major Research explored settler colonial nation-building by looking at discursive similarities between the ways in which irregular asylum seekers and Indigenous protesters are depicted in the popular news media. She has recently completed work on a collaborative project with Dr. Sandeep Agrawal from the University of Alberta, examining the matching criteria used by the Canadian government to resettle and destine Government Assisted Refugees to their new communities in Canada.
Magdalena currently works as a researcher under the supervision of Professor Anna Triandafyllidou, the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration & Integration, leveraging her decades of work in Toronto’s restaurant industry to study the impact of COVID-19 on immigrants working in the hospitality sector. She is also the co-lead on an international documentary film project which brings together twelve emerging migration scholars with twelve migrants from around the world to document the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their migration trajectories.
Magdalena is excited to join the network of scholars through the Global (De)Centre. She hopes that by being part of a diverse group of international academics, artists and allies working to challenge and disrupt and (de)centre the Eurocentric intellectual roots of academia she will be inspired to listen, learn and ask better questions.
Recent publications
PDF fileThe Substance of Solidarity: What the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Says About the Global Refugee Regime. , opens in new window (2020/16) RCIS-CERC Migration joint Working Paper.