Data-Driven DJ by Brian Foo ( is a series of music experiments that combine data, algorithms, and borrowed sounds.
This song was generated using refugee data from the United Nations from 1975 to 2012. The quantity, length, and pitch of the song’s instruments are controlled by the volume of refugee movement and distance traveled between their countries of origin and asylum.
Halleh Ghorashi | TEDxAUCollege
“Decentering’ research on transnational Mobilities, integration and diversities? Explorations of small locations at the ‘outskirts of Europe’. Alexander von Humboldt Lecture, Universities of Nijmegen/Wagendingen, 11.11.2019, Netherlands
By Halleh Ghorashi, 2019: This essay is based on decades of research I conducted on the conditions of refugees in the Netherlands, yet I believe...
By Ismintha Waldring: Growing up in Amsterdam in the 1980’s, I went to primary and secondary school with kids who had their origins all over the...