Marina de Regt
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Marina de Regt is affiliated to the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Marina de Regt received her PhD in Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam in 2003. Her PhD dissertation was based on her long-term involvement in development projects in Yemen (1991-1998). From 2007-2011 she was coordinator of the South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development (SEPHIS) at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, and since 2016 she is co-chair of the programme. Marina is also chairing LOVA, the Netherlands Association for Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology (www.lovanetwork.nl).
“I am passionate about initiatives that challenge the North-South divide in academia, and this is why I love GDC.”
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