Belén López
PhD student in Social Anthropology at the National University of San Martin (Buenos Aires, Argentina)Belén López is a doctoral fellow in the participatory action research project “Socio-environmental strategies to strengthen the rights of migrant women workers in the Reconquista Area” for the International Development Research Center (Canada) and UNSAM. She previously graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UNSAM).
Her research interests are gender relations and sexuality, care issues, migration and environment, and is currently exploring the participation of migrant women in the environmental care at the settlements of the Río Reconquista basin in San Martín district.
In the past she worked the Directorate for Gender and Sexual Diversity at the National University of San Martín (2015-2019) and nowadays is a member of the Nucleus of Migratory Studies and the Program of Studies in Sexualities, Genders and Violence (UNSAM) of the Nucleus of Interdisciplinary Gender and Feminist Studies. She has been part of various research projects (MinCYT- AFFCC program, IP-CONICET, Puente Project, PRI-UNSAM, PAI-UNSAM) and was tutor of the program “Argentina: Social Movements and Human Rights” (SIT- CEDES).