Moving Biography Participants
Working Group A
Anahi Alviso-Marino / Postdoctoral Fellow, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech/University Gustave Eiffel, France / Project: Mapping Monument Stories (Find abstract and short bio here: Mapping Monument Stories)
Débora Gerbaudo Suárez / PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology, National University of San Martin / Project: Local Identity and Transnational Citizenship. Community-Based Participation among Paraguayan Youth and the Second Generation in Two Cities: Buenos Aires and Misiones (Find abstract and short bio here: Local Identity and Transnational Citizenship)
Elham Shahsavar Zadeh / PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology, York University, Toronto / Project: Reading Iranianness through the life of Naqsh-e Jahan Square (Find abstract and short bio here: Reading Iranianness through the life of Naqsh-e Jahan Square)
Flavia Malusardi / PhD Candidate in Art History, LAWHA/OIB and Ca’Foscari University of Venice / Project: On Unearthing the Archive(d): Fragilities of oral history in the biography of Dar el Fan’s founder Janine Rubeiz (Find abstract and short bio here: On Unearthing the Archive(d))
Iman Al Kaisy / PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature, University of Toronto / Project: Libraries and Papers of Their Own: Auto/Biography, Memoir, and Arab Women Writers (Find abstract and short bio here: Libraries and Papers of Their Own)
Melanie J. Sindelar / Visiting Professor in Visual Theory and Practice, Central European University (CEU), Vienna / Project: Gulf Futurism: The Biograph(ies) of an Artistic Movement (Find abstract and short bio here: Gulf Futurism: The Biograph(ies) of an Artistic Movement)
Michelle Wun Ting Wong / PhD Candidate in Art History, The University of Hong Kong / Project: The Work of Hong Kong Artists Ha Bik Chuen (Find abstract and short bio here: The Work of Hong Kong Artists Ha Bik Chuen)
Ophélie Mercier / PhD Student, Universiteit Gent, Ghent, Belgium / Project: Navigating Value and Recognition within the International Arts Field: Between Self-Definition and Assigned Identities, Case Study of Egyptian Artists Residing in Europe (Find abstract and short bio here: Navigating Value and Recognition within the International Arts Field)
Yvonne Albers / Postdoctoral Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin and Affiliated EUME Fellow at the Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin / Project: What’s in a Name? Writing the Intellectual Biography of a Late 20th Century Arab Cultural Magazine (Find abstract and short bio here: What’s in a Name)
Working Group B
Ali Musa / PhD Candidate in Social Sciences, Birzeit University / Project: Memory of Childhood Place in the Palestinian Self-Writing (Find abstract and short bio here: Memory of Childhood place in the Palestinian Self)
Ayşegül Koca / PhD Candidate, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich / Project: Guardians of an Empire, Founders of a Republic: The Lives of the 1902 Graduates of the Ottoman Imperial Military Staff College (Find abstract and short bio here: Guardians of an Empire)
Farida Begum / Postdoctoral Fellow, Colgate University / Project: A Friend of One’s Own: Friendships, Sociality and Everyday Interactions in Bengal (Find abstract and short bio here: A Friend of One’s Own)
Gürzat Kami / PhD Candidate in History, Marmara University / Project: Where does the Family Stand?: Contextualizing the Life Story of a Scholar in the Early Modern Ottoman Damascus (Find abstract and short bio here: Where does the Family Stand)
Hiyem Cheurfa / Postdoctoral Researcher and Associate Lecturer of Postcolonial Literature, Larbi Tebessi University, Algeria / Project: Contemporary Arab Women’s Life Writing and the Politics of Resistance (Find abstract and short bio here: Contemporary Arab Women’s Life Writing)
Hunter Bandy / Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres, France / Project: Biography of Niẓām al-Dīn Aḥmad Gīlānī (Find abstract and short bio here: Biography of Niẓām al-Dīn Aḥmad Gīlānī)
Paula Manstetten / Postdoctoral Researcher, Bamberg University, Germany / Project: Making Saints and Exemplars in Islamic Hagiographic Texts – Pre-modern Manāqib Works in Arabic and Persian (Find abstract and short bio here: Making Saints and Exemplars in Islamic Hagiographic Texts)
Pierre France / Research Associate, Orient-Institut Beirut / Project: Takrim and Mudhakirât, the Two Faces of Living Memory: Book of Memories, Memory-Related Sociabilities and the Staging of Capital in the Self-Narratives of Lebanese Elites (1950-2020) (Find abstract and short bio here: Takrim and Mudhakirât)
Rosy Beyhom / Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Orient-Institut Beirut / Project: Finding the Musical Network in al-Wāfī bil-Wafayāt (Find abstract and short bio here: Finding the musical network in al-Wāfī bil-Wafayāt)
Sara Hegazi / PhD Candidate, Alexandria University / Project: Life Narratives in a Selection of Contemporary Trauma Literature from Egypt (Find abstract and short bio here: Life Narratives in a Selection of Contemporary Trauma Literature from Egypt)